Vol. 29, 2011


 Foreword (11)

I. Literary and Regional Cultural Studies

Mariana-Virginia Lãzãrescu:
”When I die, I will – with all my pores and all my organs – finally think of something useful”. In Memory of the Germanist, Poet and Translator Liana Corciu (15)

Maria Sass:
Magic Realism as Camouflaged Writing Style in Works of Erika Mitterer and Gabriel García Márquez (26)

Thomas Schares:
The Double Celebration of Interculturalism: The Film Offset as an Imprint of GermanRomanian Relationships (58)

Sunhild, Galter:
Linked-up Worlds in Daniel Kehlmann’s Novel Ruhm – Fate or Chance? (86)

Tanja Becker:
 The Spring of Life, of Love. Of Hate and Death: Mother-daughter relationships in the Works of Herta Müller, Aglaja Veteranyi, Carmen Francesca Banciu and Gabriela Adameșteanu (98)

Robert G. Elekes:
Intercultural Philosophy and Culture Theory between Modernism and Postmodernism (119)

Gabriela Sandor:
Aspects of cultural transfer in Oscar Walter Cisek’s Die Tatarin (129)

Ramona Stephan:
The Transylvanian Saxon Fairy Tale Researchers Pauline und Adolf Schullerus (141)

II. Linguistics

Adina-Lucia Nistor:
 Digital Onomastic Geography and Demographic Migration Regarding the Surname Lutsch (153)

Doris Sava:
On Presenting and Teaching Idioms in Idiom Workbooks (160)

Liana Iunesch:
On Language Competence and Language Contact in German-Language Schools in Romania  (175)

III. Translation studies and translation criticism

Ioana Constantin:
Talking About Fidelity and Infidelity in Translation. From the Belles Infideles to a Feminist Paradigm (191)

Georgiana-Simona Marin:
On the Translatability or Untranslatability of Law (198)

Mihai I. Crudu:

The Cultureme as a Perilingual Representation in the Act of Translation. Application on a Novel by Aglaja Veteranyi (210)

IV. Book Reviews

Maria Sass:
 „Among Worlds . Zimmermann, Silvia Irina: Der Zauber des fernen Königreichs. Carmen Sylvas PeleschMärchen. Ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart, 2011. Account (229)

Doris Sava:
Literarische Zentrenbildung in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa: Hermannstadt/Sibiu, Laibach/Ljubljana und weitere Fallbeispiele. Hrsg. von Mira Miladinović Zalaznik, Maria Sass, Stefan Sienerth. Account (235)

Verzeichnis der AutorInnen (244)