Vol. 17-18, 2004


Foreword (5)

Laura Cheie -The Phenomenology and Poetics of the Water-image in Georg Trakl’s Poetry (6)

Dana Dogaru – Difficulties encountered in translating literature for children: Florentine by James Krüss (18)

Laura Fota – „Bebuquin oder Die Dilettanten des Wunders” (”Bebuquin or The Dilettantes of the Wonder”). Criticizing a world where the wonder has become impossible  (29)

Dr. Mariana-Virginia Lãzãrescu – Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s essays – an “all devouring form without form”?  (55)

Palimariu Ana -Maria – The Literary Theoretical Concept of Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s Early Works from the Perspective of the Socio-Philosophical Influence of Th.W. Adorno’s Concept of Art upon H. M. Enzensberger’s Poetics.  (75)

Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu – Traditionalism vs. modernism: Thomas Mann and James Joyce  (105)

Dr. Maria Sass / Kinga Erzse – Difficulties in Translating Literary Texts for Children. “Stories about Astrid” by Karin Gündisch – A Case Study (122)

Annemarie Weber – German Language Children‘s and Youth Literature in Romania between 1945-1989 – a Research Project of the University of Bielefeld (135)

Dr. Mihaela Zaharia – On Film Adaptations of ”Faust” (144)

Adina – Lucia Nistor – Bu(h)(r)mann – Baumann – Bau(e)r. A Contribution to the History of Lexicology and Onomastics  (159)

Horst Schuller – German Language Books and Publications Edited by Romanian Publishing Houses between 1989-1999 (175)